Israel Govt Lifts Public Mask Rule

Israel Govt Lifts Public Mask Rule

Israel Govt Lifts Public Mask Rule

According to Israel's Ministry of Health, since the start of the COVID pandemic last year, Israel has recorded more than 8.36,000 cases and 6,331 deaths. 

In such a short time they have been able to vaccinate 53% of the population of Israel against the coronavirus. Because of this, the number of deaths and serious cases has been reduced. 

After the vaccination, Israel has completely reopened all its schools. Since the last year, people must wear masks in public places (roads/parks/beaches / outdoors). 

Now health officials are done with this rule. People in Israel don't need to wear masks in public places now. But the masks should still be used indoors and in large gatherings. 

He also announced last week that people who are fully vaccinated can visit Israel starting in May. Dr. Nachman Ash is an important person in Israel responsible for managing the coronavirus outbreak. 

He said that after doing proper research, they made the decision to remove the rule of wearing masks and start schools.


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